On this Project is going to evidence all our educational process of accounting and finance, with the support of trained professionals in this area; to employ in a company, who provide us the information needed for completing the legalization; to implement the theory to the practice and the process which is not known by the legal representative of this.
We will give to know by specific way the subjects that are going to evidence in the company, according to the establish parameters by SENA from beginning to the end.
With the purpose of advising to the Equimaq Agroindustrial S.A.S with NIT 52.434.850-6 located in the city of Bogota in the neighborhood Santa Isabel like property and managers of Mss Monica Ramirez Pulido, we implement a big variety of process such as: accounting entry, value securities, payroll, devaluation, stock, and so on; some of these the company didn't have at the beginning.
To distribute industry machinery for complying with the need of the customers commercialization machinery directed to the public at the moment which is required and solicited in the established address with the different products such as pump, starter motor, blower, electric winches, equipment against fire and pressure, and instrumentation of maneuver and spare part; to offer a good service.

- To guarantee a good service for the need of the customers.
- To get machinery of good quality.
- To increase the monthly sales of the company.
The company equimaq agroindustrial is dedicated to the commercialization of machinery for the agroindustry, looking for satisfying the need of the customers.
To be a company recognized by 2022 to national and international level, improving the quality of products for a best service, as well as opening news branches in the different cities and countries.

1. Depreciation: It is refer to a periodic decrease of value of a tangible or intangible goods.
2. Payroll: list the names of the people who are on the staff of a company or entity public and collect a salary from it.
3. Fixed asset: IT is a good of a company , either tangible or intangible , that it can not become in liquid to short term and normally they are needed for the operation of the company and is not destined for sale.
4. Trial Balance: It is a instrument financial that is used for visualize the list of the total debs and the credits of the counts, next the balance of each one of them.
5. Security Littles: it is a commercial document which is incorporated a right private property, by the that exercise of right is legally linked to the possession of document.
6. Annual balance sheet: it is the statement financial of a company on a moment determined. For can reflect it, is needed the assets, liabilities and heritage of the company.
7. Income statement: in this state , is implicate related the income , costs and expenses of a economy entity
8. Inventory: it is a relation detailed, organized and valued of the elements that put together the heritage of the company or person in a certain moment.
9. Cash count:it is the analysis of the transactions from the cash, in an certain moment, with the object of check if has been recorded all the cash received.
10. Bank reconciliation: it is a process to allow compare and reconcile the economic values that a company has registered on a account, either checking account or savings account , with its banking movements.
11. Stocks: it are negotiable values of variable income that it represents the fraction or part aliquot by which a person physical or legal takes part in the social capital of a anonymous society or commercial society for stocks.
12. Loans: it is a operation whereby a financial entity to puts our disposition a amount determined of money through a contract.
13. Customer: it is that person who in exchange of a payment, receives services of someone who it loans it for that concept.
14. Provider: it is a company or physical person that provides goods or services to others people or companies .
15. Openning of Cash count: it is the amount of money to charge of determined responsible person, that constitute a fixed fund available for payments of smaller amount of the company.
16. Deferred: It Represents the value of the expenses paid by anticipated in that incured the economic entity.
17. Consign: Amount of money that is consigned to a determined end in a budget.
18. Assets:It is a good that the company has and it can become in money or others liquid resources equivalent for its later sale
19. Heritage: Set of goods of a person or a institution
20. Income: It is the increase of economic entries clearly coming from the commercial activity of the company or economic entity .
21. Liability: It consists in the debts that the company has, collected in the balance of situation, and understand the obligations current of the company.
22. Expense: It is a departure that decreases the benefit of the company or , in its defect , increases the debt or lost .
23. Cost: it is the value of the economics resources used for its production.
24. Taxes: it are taxes that each person, family or company must pay to the state for maintain the collective needs, contributing with a part of their income.
25.Subsidiary Ledgers: it Are the books where we registered of analytic way and detailed the values and the information registered in main books.